Issue | Title | |
Vol 24, No 1 (2022): AGRITECH | PENGARUH SISTEM TANAM KENTANG (Solanum tuberosum L.) DAN KACANG BABI (Vicia faba L.) TERHADAP C-MIK TANAH | Abstract PDF |
Theresa Vinata Anui | ||
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ISSN: 2580-5002
Governing Body & Contact:
Banana Chips, Models, Strategy, Business, Banjarnegara
Cadangan karbon, Lahan pirit, dan Kelapa Sawit
Chocolate Bar Processing, Chocolate, Chocolate Processed Products.
Citrus nobilis Lour
Duration of immersion, Hydrilla verticilatta, Shallots, Yield.
Fruit fly (Bactrocera sp.)
Induksi kalus, eksplan lada, modifikasi media MS, NAA, BAP
K. galanga, callus, PEG 6000, NAA
Pulau Jawa.
Shallots, Price Fluctuations, Marketing Channels
Sugar Cane, Mechanical, Conventional, Income, Comparison
farmers, farmer groups, role, tecnology
galur Pras-1, kultivar lokal, kacang panjang, uji daya hasil
kompos kiambang, pupuk kandang ayam, segau
meat analog, flower, banana,long boiling
urban farming