Hidah Nur Afiyah, Untung Susilo, Farida Nur Rachmawati


The activity of digestive enzymes and feed efficiency of catfish, Clarias gariepinus, wich induced by cycles of fasting and refeeding was carried out at the Laboratory of Physiology Faculty of Biology, Unsoed, Purwokerto . Experimental design with three treatments and six replications in completely randomized design (CRD) was used in this study. The treatments tested include: fish fed every day (control, P0), fish in one week were starved on Monday and Thursday and fed on the other days (P1) and fish of the week was straved two days and five days were fed a normal (P2). Catfish with average 9.57 ± 0.66 g on individual body weight, wich obtained from D3 PSDP Laboratory of Biology Faculty, Unsoed, has been used in this study. The results showed that the activity of amylase, efficiency and retention of proteins differ significantly (P <.05), but protease activity did not differ significantly (P> .05) between the treatment. Conclusion, amylase activity and feed efficiency were changes, but not for protease activity in catfish after exposed to fasting and refeeding .
Keywords: Clarias gariepinus, enzyme digestion, feed efficiency, fasting, re-feed


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