Study on Family Welfare of Beggar in Pageralang Village, Kemranjen District, Banyumas Regency

Kurniawan Dimas, Suwarsito Suwarsito


This study aimed to figure out the welfare level of beggar families in Pageralang village, Kemranjen Subdistrict
of Banyumas Regency. This study applied survey method. Data of this study were collected using
interview and questionnaire with 80 people of population and 49 people of sample. Data was processed through
the process of editing, tabulation, and analysis. The data of the study were analysed using descriptive
qualitative technique with tables and percentages. The results showed that the welfare level of beggars in
Pageralang belonged to welfare category II or it can be stated that they were vulnerable poor. This condition
was affected by 4 factors called low education, the number of productive beggar, family burden, and income per

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ISSN: 2550-1321