Design of Intelligent Automated Quest Control System in the Covid-19 Era
The rapid spread of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), throughout direct of the human-to-human interaction makes the virus massively infect humans in all around the world. Until now, there has not been found the right way of healing it. This study aims to design of the intelligent automated quest control system capable for detecting COVID-19 by the body of temperature. The method approach was taken applied research, beginning with determining of the hardware using the ArduinoTM UNO microcontroller, the MLX90614 infrared thermometer, the TCRT5000 infrared reflective sensor, motor driver L293D, the output was displayed on a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen, interaction control using Roller Limit Switch and instruction using the C programming language with Arduino IDE user interface. The system testing is done by comparing the temperature sensor readings infrared thermometer versus standard thermometer. Based on the results of a limited scale trial of 5 volunteers, an average error of 2.72% was obtained and the system worked well (opening or locking the door) in accordance with the temperature limits that had been set for detecting COVID-19. This research novelty that the simple and inexpensive design of the device system prevented and minimize the spread of COVID-19. The last, limitations of the system not being tested by the experts and large sample.
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DOI: 10.30595/juita.v10i1.11977
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