Performance Evaluation of Contract Employees Using the Best-Worst and Simple Additive Weighting Methods
All companies need qualified employees to ensure the continuity and progress of the company. Therefore, some companies are very selective in evaluating employee performance based on the criteria set by the company. However, because of the many criteria used in the assessment, a large number of contract employees to be evaluated, and the evaluation that must be proportional, the Human Resources department has difficulty evaluating the performance of contract employees. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a system for evaluating the performance of contract employees by integrating the Best-Worst (BW) and Simple Additive Weight (SAW) methods. The BW method is used to determine the weight of each criterion related to the performance appraisal of contract employees, and the SAW method is used to evaluate the performance of contract employees. The results showed that the system developed can provide a more proportional evaluation. So, this study contributes as a recommendation system for HR managers in determining eligible contract employees to have their work contracts extended based on criteria determined by the company.
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DOI: 10.30595/juita.v9i2.11989
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