Development of Fuzzy-Based Smart Drip Irrigation System for Chili Cultivation
Chili plants often fail to harvest in the cultivation process due to improper irrigation. Soil temperature and humidity are essential parameters that affect the amount of water needed by plants in the watering process. This research aimed to apply fuzzy logic to the chili plants' irrigation system. The function of this system was to regulate watering due to the needs of the Chili plant automatically in a real-time fashion. The Sugeno fuzzy inference system (FIS) is embedded in a microcontroller to regulate the water based on the plant's needs appropriately. The system was tested on Chili plants located in the iSurf Computer Science Lab IPB University greenhouse. After four days of testing, the soil moisture sensor results were stable at optimal conditions, between 60%-80% after watering. It shows that the irrigation system has automatically regulated watering due to the Chili plant's needs.
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