Improving Stroke Detection with Hybrid Sampling and Cascade Generalization
The prevalence of stroke in Indonesia has increased. One survey in Indonesia that contains information about the health conditions of the Indonesian people is the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS). The proportion of respondents who had a stroke and non-stroke in IFLS5 showed an imbalance with an extreme level of imbalance; hence, this research aims to overcome this problem with SMOTE, SMOTE-Tomek Link, and SMOTE-ENN; then, the balanced dataset is classified using the ensemble and cascade approaches to improve the detection of stroke risk and to identify the important variables. However, the stroke respondents were still challenging to classify after imbalance class handling, presumably because of the large amount of data before and after balancing. The solution is to balance the training data with various percentages. The results showed the best percentage is applied to 5% of the training data, balanced by the SMOTE-ENN, and the ensemble method with the cascade approach increases the sensitivity and balanced accuracy values. Random forest and logistic regression combine models that produce the best performance, with a classification tree as the final model. The important variables obtained from this combination are the addition of probability from random forest, logistic regression, history of hypertension, age, and physical activity.
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DOI: 10.30595/juita.v12i1.19386
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