Putri Fildzatina Fitria, Elis Nurlalela, Nisa Nisa, Eva Andera


The background of this research is the researcher's connection to the phenomonology of the role of peer groups in the communication behavior of inter-school student organizations. This research aims to determine the role of peer groups in interactions in inter-school student organizations, changes in attitudes and communication behavior among inter-school student organizations at SMP Negeri 1 Pagelaran. The subjects of this research consisted of 10 members of the inter-school student organization at SMP Negeri 1 Pagelaran. The theoretical basis used is the theory of Symbolic Interactionism. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomonological approach. The data collection activities used were observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research found that the role of peer groups in the Intera Student Organization of SMP Negeri 1 Pagelaran has a very important role in the lives of student council members inside and outside of school because peers can have a positive or negative impact on the student council members themselves depending on the influence of attitudes. and the behavior and environment of their peers, changes in attitude, communication behavior of members of the inter-school student organization at SMP Negeri 1 Performance. The change in attitude desired by each member of the student council has different opinions, both verbal and non-verbal communication, but with the same goal of wanting to change themselves in positive things and getting better


Role; Peer group; Communication Behavior


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DOI: 10.30595/jmbt.v3i2.21337


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