Untung Susilo, Wiwi Purwanti, Farida Nur Rachmawati


Six treatments and five replications on randomized complete design (RCD) has been conducted to evaluate the growth dan food efficiency of nile Gift (Oreochromis sp.). The treatments as follow : fish rearing on 0 ppt salinity and 26oC water temperature; fish rearing on 0 ppt salinity and 30oC water temperature; fish rearing on 10 ppt salinity and 26oC water temperature; fish rearing on 10 ppt salinity and 30oC water temperature; fish rearing on 20 ppt salinity and 26oC water temperature; fish rearing on 20 ppt salinity and 30oC water temperature. Fish with average body weight 15,22±1,72 g was used in this experiment. The result showed that the specific growth rate in both wet weight and dry weight, both food eficiency ratio and protein eficiency ratio of nile Gift tilapia were not affected by salinity and temperature different (P>.05). Conclution, the growth and food efficieny of nile Gift are not changed with different of water salinity and temperature.

Key words : Oreochromis sp., salinity, temperature, growth rate, food efficience


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