EFIKASI EKSTRAK MENGKUDU (Morinda citrifolia) TERHADAP BAKTERI Aeromonas hidrophila DAN TOKSISITASNYA PADA IKAN NILA (Oreochromis niloticus)

Siti Aisiah


This research was aimed a finding the part of Morinda citrifolia which had the biggest resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria and to know the minimal concentrate which could obstruct the growth of A. hydrophila bacteria and to know effective concentrate toxicity of M. citrifolia to tilapia. The random sampling used proportionate stratified random sampling. In toxicity test, it had be done 4 treatment, which was given to fish, those were : A = fish was injected with 15 % concentrate of extract M. citrifolia, B = fish was injected with 50 % concentrate of extract M. citrifolia, C = fish was injected with 75 % concentrate of extract M. citrifolia, and D = negative control (fish wasn’t injected) and 3 trial. . This treatment was obtained from M. citrifolia antibacterial sensitivity test results that have a power resistor and the power to kill most of the bacteria A. hydrophila, distilled of M. Citrifolia-aquadest . Depended on MIC test of the leaves M. citrifolia -aquadest extract showed result that the extract had 15% minimal bloked concentrate to a. hydrophila bacteria. The result of toxicity test of M. citrifolia 15%, 50% and 75% leaves was no mortality 50% of tilapia. Hematologist observations that eritrosit, leucosit, blood plasma, hematocrit and leukocrit in each treatment was the norm in the range. Water quality parameter during experiment like dissolving oxygen, pH, ammonia, CO2, and temperature were still in reasonable range for tilapia.

Keywords : Morinda citrifolia, Aeromonas hydrophila, tilapia.


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