Leaderboard Application as A Ranking Media for Internet Users

Hariadi Yutanto, Gaguk Suprianto, Yusuf Effendi


The technology of utilizing hotspot networks has developed quite rapidly. In its development, internet technology uses a more flexible Mikrotik hotspot because it provides convenience for administrators and users. The object of this study is the hotspot network of Hayam Wuruk University (UHW) Perbanas.  The goal is to develop a leaderboard design as a medium for monitoring internet use through the UHW Perbanas hotspot.  Its application is through the integration of mikrotik with the web service API as a ranking of internet users against three categories of activities, namely downloads, uploads and internet usage times on each day and month.  Each of these categories has 20 users.  The test method uses a black box.  Hasil testing states  that the system is successfully operating, so that it can be implemented in the context of decision making by the management of  UHW Perbanas.


Leaderboard, Hotspot, Mikrotik, API.


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