Implementation of RESHOT Method to Create a Good User Experience in an Application

Ridwan Ahmad Ma'arif, Fauziah Fauziah


In recent years User Experience (UX) has become something that must be implemented in making applications. Every application design practitioner has applied this discipline, but often they wonder how to simplify a user's journey flow by using applications and make it easier, faster, and simpler. This research aims to explain a method that can simplify the User Experience comprehensively. RESHOT is used (Refine the challenge, Remove, Shrink, Hide, Organize, Time). This method will make applications pay more attention to aspects that can increase user satisfaction. As a result, this study contributes to an explanation of simplifying the flow of uploading donor data files using the RESHOT method in the X blood donor data collection application. The results of streamlining the flow of uploading donor data files have been tested on five respondents and have a 100% user success rate in completing tasks with an average processing time of 14.5 seconds. In testing, there is a misclick rate of 10.7%. This is because the user wants to explore the designed application. And this is also a limitation of this study, namely not making the overall application design interaction.


user experience, user interface, human-centered interaction, RESHOT method, usability


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DOI: 10.30595/juita.v11i2.17643


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