Feisal Aziez, Estiningsih Estiningsih, Intan Sofiana


The purpose of this research was to investigate the development of vocabulary as reflected in their written English and the problems faced by university English students in writing. This quantitative research used a pre-post design. The instruments used writing test and a closed questionnaire which had 15 items. The research showed different resuslts for all variables that analyzed. In total word produced and Type Token Ratio (TTR), the result showed that there were no significant differences, but in less frequent words, the result showed that there was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test results. The result of the questionnaire on the students’ problems in writing showed that more than half of students (65%) had difficulties in grammar, because they felt that they had lack of vocabulary and ability in grammar. The conclusion showed that all variables that were analyzed showed different results. In the result of questionnaire showed that almost all students had difficulties in grammar and lack of vocabulary. In addition, others problems were found in generic structure, choosing words, expressing ideas, and the tense that was used.


EFL learners Vocabulary development Writing Skill


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v16i2.13788

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