Sophie Kristin Yoanda, Ine Rahayu Purnamaningsih


To improve their writing learning outcomes, it is necessary to carry out learning activities that involve student participation (student-centered). This can be achieved by using the Flipped Classroom technique as an appropriate teaching strategy. Because the flipped classroom is a relatively new method among Indonesian educators, it might be considered a new variation of imaginative learning. The current research, which is based on a descriptive case study, strives to provide a thorough and contextualized image of a specific phenomenon it is used to explain phenomena and circumstances that occur in real life. This was done through a google form using mobile phones and the internet to find out students'' perceptions of writing English. Practically speaking, the interviews were addressed to six participants (three men and three women). The outcomes of the semi-structured interviews reveal some similar patterns in general. Different participants had a degree of resemblance with their English class interviews. Second, while numerous other respondents claimed to be involved at the same level, the reasons for their statements differed. This perspective can help guide the design of questions so that students'' ideas about their participation in English e-learning are captured accurately. The aim of this study is to highlight the problems and solutions associated with teaching English writing to junior high school students. On the one hand, these difficulties include student talent On the other hand, the difficulties include students'' failure to generate ideas for writing in English, students'' lack of knowledge of English vocabulary, and students'' lack of motivation to learn to write in English


Flipped Classroom, Students, Teachers, Writing Skills


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v17i1.14456

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