Maya Damayanti


Learning Strategies in Overcoming Elementary School Children's Difficulties in Working on Math Story Problems. The learning of mathematics in elementary schools is not only shown by the ability of students to do mathematical calculations but also by the skills of students in demonstrating reasoning to solve problems regarding mathematics in everyday life. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to review appropriate learning strategies in overcoming problems regarding students' difficulties in working on math word problems. The method used in the analysis of learning strategy needs is through observation and giving questionnaires/questions to obtain research data. The study was conducted with a qualitative descriptive where the source of data in problem identification was obtained from SDN Winarajan. There are various problems found, namely the learning carried out has not been able to increase student activity as a whole and learning activities have not been able to improve overall affective development. For this reason, appropriate learning strategies are needed according to the characteristics of students so that they can overcome problems related to difficulties in doing mathematics learning and the lack of student activity in participating in learning. Learning strategies can be adapted to student characteristics such as through the use of media games, solving problems according to interests, talents, and peer tutoring to increase student activity as a whole.


About story Elementary Mathematics Difficult story problems Math Problem Math Story


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v17i1.16092

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