Nina Indriani, Indrianis Suryani, Lu'lu'ul Mukaromah


This article aims to realize the implementation of the independent learning curriculum in the formation of the disciplinary character of students in elementary schools. This article uses the literature study method, which is a research method that is carried out by collecting library data sources related to a topic and aims to explain a main content in accordance with the results that have been obtained. Discussions related to the application of an independent curriculum to the formation of the disciplinary character of students will be presented in a research design that focuses on discussions related to the application of an independent curriculum to the formation of students' character. Various relevant review literature from previous research has been included and studied as a source for writing this research. In the independent curriculum learning process which is carried out gradually or continuously, it is able to improve and shape the disciplinary character of students in completing the knowledge development tasks that have been given on time so that learning activities can be carried out actively and efficiently. In addition, the development of students' knowledge in class in the Independent Curriculum must be supported by various parties, one of which is very important, namely the role of a teacher who can encourage thinking skills and shape their character for the better.


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v17i1.16228

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ISSN: 2807-1379