Khoirotun Ni'mah, Muhammad Miftah


The role of the teacher in education is very important, that is, it can improbve the quality of education. One that plays an important role is that the textbooks used should be chosen by the teacher which can provide optimal result and are adapted to the character of the students. This research offers strong guidance on the importance of effective teaching materials for students. This study uses a literature review method with a qualitative approach and the methodology used is a descriptive analysis study. The purpose of this study itself was to analyze teaching materials from the book History of Islamic Culture at class VII MTs level chapters 4 and 5 published by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia 2013 curriculum 2020, related to the clarity of material content and suitability of material to Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor and Psychological Development aspects of students. Because, it is found that the diversity of sources and perspectives still needs to be explored more broadly, so that students can gain a more comprehensive understanding.


Analysis, Learning Materials, Book, History of Islam


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v17i2.17861

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