Syifa'ul Amelia, M. Bahri Musthofa, Juhaeni Juhaeni


This research was carried out because based on the results of observations, the researcher found that the reading ability of students in the MIN 1 Gresik educational institution was known to still not meet the indicators of students' reading ability in general, this case was highlighted a lot from the lower class. Researchers feel interested in this case and want to examine in depth the case that occurred at MIN 1 Gresik. Researchers want to provide an in-depth understanding of this research through a narrative description of the research results using data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation, later the data will be analyzed through data reduction techniques, data presentation and conclusion drawing based on the theory of miles and huberman with the subject of students who take part in the literacy program at MIN 1 Gresik.  Based on the results of the study, researchers found that: 1) The implementation of the literacy program at MIN 1 Gresik 2) students after being given treatment in the form of implementing a literacy program have improved in reading skills, while this program has a fairly good strategy implemented by the madrasah, especially the Head of Madrasah, Class Teachers and Literacy Teachers, collaboration between parties and also communication with student guardians is a supporting basis in improving students' reading skills.


Literacy program Students’ Reading Ability MIN 1 Gresik


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v18i1.20413

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