Badrun Nafiza, Najwa Naumira Hasibuan, Maya Salsabila, Meifa Taskia Efendi, Afrahul Fadhila Daulai


Regarding collaboration between families and schools in children’s education in kindergarten, it is very important to create a holistic educational environment. This collaboration involves the active role of parents and teachers in shaping children’s development. By supporting each other, we can create a solid foundation for children’s intellectual, emotional and social growth in the early stages of their education. Collaboration between families and schools in children’s education in kindergarten has a crucial role in shaping children’s holistic development. The research design we use is qualitative research. Namely, our research goes directly to the research object to collect information according to the problem formulation that we have. Parental involvement in children’s education will have a positive effect if parents and teachers understand the meaning, form and purpose of this involvement. However, the opposite effect will occur if there is no appropriate involvement of parents at school and parental involvement is not optimal in decision making, program implementation, education, and supervision as well as changing the function of contact books which should be notifications of children’s progress at school to become notifications of committee meetings. Effective collaboration between teachers and parents has a significant positive impact on children’s development in various aspects, including academic, social and emotional. Through open communication, understanding shared expectations, and resolving communication barriers, this collaboration can be enhanced.


education, family, school


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v18i1.20531

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