Ines Faizatus Sanah, Jazilatur Rizqoh, Munawwir Munawwir


The purpose of writing this article is to find out Islamic religious learning from an early age as a religious means in a multicultural society in the Digital Era, with the rapid pace of technology today certainly has an impact on educational conditions, including in early childhood. Qualitative research method with the type of literature research.. Literature research is a method that utilizes library sources to obtain information or research data. Emphasis on literature research to obtain information or research data. The emphasis of literature research is to find various theories, laws, propositions, principles, opinions, ideas and others that can be used to analyze and solve problems studied in depth from accredited sources. This method can use journals, books, articles or others that are more accurate and up-to-date. There are four steps of literature research: collecting library data, reading and recording and processing research materials. With the findings of the analysis showing that the rapid condition of advances in information and communication technology has a negative impact, therefore multicultural education in this case seeks to provide understanding to the community, especially early childhood students to know about multicultural values, namely acceptance, respect, and respect for all forms of differences. In order not to occur an undesirable condition such as  radicalism, racism, discrimination and so on.


Multicultural Education, Early Childhood, Digital Age


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v18i1.21438

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