Khulvy Bunga Arvely, Exy Febri Febi Hamzah Sanusi, sutiah sutiah


Curriculum evaluation has an important role in the world of education. Without evaluation, we cannot find out the weaknesses and advantages that exist in the process of implementing the curriculum that has been used. This article discusses the development of evaluation of independent curriculum learning. The purpose of writing this article is to find out the extent of the achievement of student competency standards which will then be carried out the development of a continuous learning model and find out whether the independent curriculum can be implemented optimally according to plan. This writing uses research with a literature study approach, namely by collecting data and information taken through various forms of literature sources, such as books, scientific papers, and scientific articles regarding curriculum evaluation and the implications of the independent curriculum in the world of education. The results of this study show that the independent learning curriculum can improve educational standards in Indonesia. Changes in the independent curriculum have a positive and negative impact on education in Indonesia. Then in the implementation of the independent curriculum, several obstacles were found such as incomplete infrastructure, difficulties in determining the right learning methods and strategies. However, the development of the implementation of the independent learning curriculum model shows great potential in improving the quality of education in Indonesia. With the right support from the government, educational institutions, society, this model can develop and provide significant benefits to students in meeting the demands of modern education.


Evaluation, Curriculum, Independent, Learning


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v18i2.22574

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