Nur Sirojudin Mustaqim, Elisabeth Nanik Kristalisasi, Umi Kusumastuti Rusmarini


The aim of this study is to know the impact of the volume of irrigation and the dose of mikoriza on the growth of palm coconut seedlings in the pre nursery. The research was conducted in KP2 Kali Kuning, Maguwoharjo Village, Depok District, Sleman District, Yogyakarta Province, from March to June 2022. In this study, a factorial experiment was carried out with two treatments using a Complete Random Plan (RAL). A dose of mikoriza consisting of 4 levels of 0, 5, 10, and 15 g/tube was the first factor. The second factor was the irrigation volume, which consisted of 3 levels of 100, 150, and 200 ml/seed. Both factors resulted in 12 combinations of treatments each repeated 4 times to form 48 experimental units.Variance analysis (ANOVA) is used to analyze research data using a 5% significance threshold. If there is a significant difference, the DMRT test was continued at a real level of 5%. The results of the study showed a significant interaction between the mikoriza dose and the irrigation volume with the fresh weight of palm coconut seedlings roots in the pre-nursery, the combination of mikoriza 10 g/seed and the 100 ml/seed irigation volume was most effective. A dose of mikoriza of 10 g/seed is already able to increase the number of leaves in pre-nursery breeding. The growth of palm coconut seeds is positively influenced by daily irrigation volumes of 100, 150, and 200 ml/seed.

Keywords: mikoriza, volume of irrigation, palm coconut seedlings, pre nursery.


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DOI: 10.30595/agritech.v25i2.17062


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