Studi Eksperimental Performa Sound Energy Harvesting Device Menggunakan Variasi Rangkaian Piezoelektrik

Teguh Dewangga, Thoriq Ahmad Izzuddin, Fairuz Daffa Al-Hazza


High ound vibration is very noisy even though they are harmful to human hearing have the potential to be used as a source of micro-electrical energy. This is also supported by the many places that have the potential to produce noise, such as airports and industrial manufacturing plants. However, currently there is no optimal utilization of the sound noise. Whereas sound noise can be converted into electrical energy using electromagnetic, piezoelectric or electrostatic mechanisms. One of the electrical energy harvesting media that is very easy to use today is piezoelectric material which has an element of Lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT). However, if only use one piezoelectric, the electricity generated is very small. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of variations in piezoelectric circuits and variations in sound noise levels in producing electrical energy for sound energy harvesting devices. The method used in this research is an experimental method with a quantitative approach. There are two independent variables used, consist of (1) variations in piezoelectric circuits (single, double series, double parallel, quad series, and quad parallel), and (2) variations in sound noise levels (80 dB, 90 dB, and 100dB). The tests carried out are testing the electric voltage, the electric current, and the calculation of the electric power. Based on the test results, the higher the intensity of the sound will increase the value of voltage, electric current, and electric power. The best circuit in electrical voltage testing is the A2B3 circuit which uses a double-series that can produce an electrical voltage of 2,030 AC V. Meanwhile, in testing the electric current and calculating power, the double parallel circuit (A3B3) is the best circuit capable of producing strong electric current of 0.261 AC mA and 0.278 AC mW of electrical power. Thus, the double parallel circuit is the most appropriate circuit used in sound energy harvesting devices.

Keywords: Harvesting Device, Piezoelectric, Sound Noise


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DOI: 10.30595/cerie.v3i1.14314



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