Aims and Scope


Creative Research in Engineering (CERIE) is a journal that publishes scientific articles in the field of mechanical engineering. The articles published in this journal include the results of original scientific study (main priority), or comment, or critique to the published scientific writing. CERIE Journal is published by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering and Science Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. This journal accepts the manuscripts or articles in the field of engineering from both national and international groups and researchers.


The journal presents and disseminates new developments and the latest findings in all fields of engineering and technology, especially those that contribute to the implementation of mechanical engineering. The topics covered by the journal include but are not limited to:

Energy Conversion, Engineering and Tribology Design, Advanced Material, Automotive, CNC/CAD CAM Producing Process, Control and Robotics System, Nanotechnology, Metrology, and Computation.

ISSN: 2774-8006