Monitoring the Performance of Lecturers Using Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale and Management by Objectives Method
Mutiara Mahakam Samarinda Institute of Health Sciences (STIKES-MM Samarinda) has a system for monitoring and evaluating the performance of lecturers or education staff. This system measures performance achievements in terms of teaching, research, and community service. . Nevertheless, since every segment of the system is not yet fully computerized, this then raises several obstacles in the process of monitoring and evaluating the performance, length of time to obtain the final assessment results and the low accuracy level of the assessment. This study aims to seeks solutions to these obstacles and offers an educator performance monitoring system that combines the Behaviorally Anchor Rating Scale (BARS) and Management by Objectives (MBO) methods to be assessed quantitatively based on the rating scores in measuring the two methods. The BARS method was focused on evaluating behaviour that would affect overall performance with an average score of 4.14%, while the MBO method was focused on evaluating according to Tri Dharma of higher education, namely teaching, research and community service. The assessment system was then implemented to evaluate the performance of lecturers and education staff. Subsequently, the data obtained were analyzed to get the final result of the assessment. In particular for data from the MBO method, the analysis was carried out using step with and without KRA. This exploratory research succeeded in presenting the final results of the performance assessment of each lecturer who was assessed for both the value of the BARS and MBO methods. Data analysis from the MBO method , when calculated with and without KRA and KRA, showed some significant differences in MBO. For all lecturers, the difference in scores, if the average was 3.48%, then this assessment was more inclined to the BARS assessment, which had a better rating than MBO.
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DOI: 10.30595/juita.v11i1.15354
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