Multiplayer Game Guessing Sunda’s Proverb Using Socket.Io And Node.Js

Leni Fitriani, Dewi Tresnawati, M. Iqbal Ismail Safei Pamungkas


Game development is currently quite rapid. Now games can be played by various groups, because many games now contain not just games, but there are also games with educational content. The educational game that will be made in this study is a website-based Sundanese proverb game, this type of game will be multiplayer so that players can compete with other players. The purpose of this research is to make a Sundanese proverb educational multiplayer game that can be played simultaneously with many players, so that it can introduce the regional language, namely Sundanese, to the wider community. The technology used in making this game is Socket.IO and Node.JS, using these technologies can make end users interact in real time. In making this game using the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) methodology with the stages of initialization, pre-production, production, testing, beta and release. The results obtained in this research are website-based Sundanese proverb educational games that can be used without taking up much space on the device.


games, game development life cycle multiplayer, proverbs, Sundanese


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DOI: 10.30595/juita.v11i2.16828


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