Implementation of Convolutional Neural Network Method in Identifying Fashion Image
The fashion industry has changed a lot over the years, which makes it hard for people to compare different kinds of fashion. To make it easier, different styles of clothing are tried out to find the exact and precise look desired. So, we opted to employ the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method for fashion classification. This approach represents one of the methodologies employed to utilize computers for the purpose of recognizing and categorizing items. The goal of this research is to see how well the Convolutional Neural Network method classifies the Fashion-MNIST dataset compared to other methods, models, and classification processes used in previous research. The information in this dataset is about different types of clothes and accessories. These items are divided into 10 categories, which include ankle boots, bags, coats, dresses, pullovers, sandals, shirts, sneakers, t-shirts, and trousers. The new classification method worked better than before on the test dataset. It had an accuracy value of 95. 92%, which is higher than in previous research. This research also uses a method called image data generator to make the Fashion MNIST image better. This method helps prevent too much focus on certain details and makes the results more accurate.
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DOI: 10.30595/juita.v11i2.17372
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