Facebook Prophet Model with Bayesian Optimization for USD Index Prediction

Ahmad Fitra Hamdani, Daniel Swanjaya, Risa Helilintar


Accuracy is the primary focus in prediction research. Optimization is conducted to improve the performance of prediction models, thereby enhancing prediction accuracy. This study aims to optimize the Facebook Prophet model by performing hyperparameter tuning using Bayesian Optimization to improve the accuracy of USD Index Value prediction. Evaluation is conducted through multiple prediction experiments using different ranges of historical data. The results of the study demonstrate that performing hyperparameter tuning on the Facebook Prophet model yields better prediction results. Prior to parameter tuning, the MAPE indicator metric is 1.38% for the historical data range of 2014-2023, and it decreases to 1.33% after parameter tuning. Further evaluation shows improved prediction performance using different ranges of historical data. For the historical data range of 2015-2023, the MAPE value decreases from 1.39% to 1.20%. Similarly, for the data range of 2016-2023, the MAPE decreases from 1.12% to 0.80%. Furthermore, for the data range of 2017-2023, there is a decrease from 0.80% to 0.76%. This is followed by the data range of 2018-2023, with a decrease from 0.75% to 0.70%. Lastly, for the data range of 2019-2023, there is a decrease from 0.63% to 0.55%. These results demonstrate that performing Hyperparameter Optimization using Bayesian Optimization consistently improves prediction accuracy in the Facebook Prophet model.


Facebook Prophet, Bayesian Optimization, USD Index, Prediction, Data Mining


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