Modified of Single Deepest Vertical Detection (SDVD) Algorithm for Amniotic Fluid Volume Classification

Putu Desiana Wulaning Ayu, Gede Angga Pradipta, Roy Rudolf Huizen, Kadek Eka Sapta W, I Gede Edy Artana


Amniotic fluid a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of the fetus during pregnancy and is contained within the amnion cavity, which is surrounded by a membrane. Several studies have shown that volume of amniotic fluid can vary throughout pregnancy and is closely linked to the health and safety of the fetus. This indicates that it is essential to perform accurate measurement and identification of its volume. Obstetric specialist often use a manual method to identify amniotic fluid by visually determining the longest straight vertical line between the upper and lower boundaries. Therefore, this study aims to develop detection model, known as modified Single Deepest Vertical Detection (SDVD) algorithm to automatically measure the longest vertical line by following medical rules and regulations. SDVD algorithm was designed to measure the depth of amniotic fluid vertically by searching the column of pixels that comprised the image sample, excluding any intersection with the fetal body. Performance testing was carried out using 130 images by comparing the manual measurement results obtained by obstetric specialists and the proposed model. Based on the experimental results using modified SDVD, the average accuracy, precision, and recall achieved for amniotic fluid classification were 92.63%, 85.23%, and 95.6%, respectively.


amniotic fluid, volume, modified SDVD, classification


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