BCBimax Biclustering Algorithm with Mixed-Type Data

Hanifa Izzati, Indahwati Indahwati, Anik Djuraidah


The application of biclustering analysis to mixed data is still relatively new. Initially, biclustering analysis was primarily used on gene expression data that has an interval scale. In this research, we will transform ordinal categorical variables into interval scales using the Method of Successive Interval (MSI). The BCBimax algorithm will be applied in this study with several binarization experiments that produce the smallest Mean Square Residual (MSR) at the predetermined column and row thresholds. Next, a row and column threshold test will be carried out to find the optimal bicluster threshold. The existence of different interests in the variables for international market potential and the number of Indonesian export destination countries is the reason for the need for identification regarding the mapping of destination countries based on international trade potential. The study's results with the median threshold of all data found that the optimal MSR is at the threshold of row 7 and column 2. The number of biclusters formed is 9 which covers 74.7% of countries. Most countries in the bicluster come from the European Continent and a few countries from the African Continent are included in the bicluster.


BCBimax, Biclustering, MSR, market potential


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DOI: 10.30595/juita.v12i1.21519


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