Sistem Pakar Untuk Menyusun Formula, Kandungan Gizi, dan Harga Pakan Ikan

Suwarsito Suwarsito, Hindayati Mustafidah


Development of expert system has been widely applied to various fields of study, including education (for tutorial), academics, medicine (to diagnose the disease either man or animal), and so on. In this study applied expert system to compile a formula feeding fish include nutrient and estimated price of the feed raw material. The system was built using backward chaining using Turbo C++ programming language. This system is interactive. User should answer the system’s question of type and age of the fish, as well as a range of feed raw materials around, the user will get the required nutrient content information as well as advice on solutions in the form of formula feed and how much raw material feed is needed as well as the estimated price


expert system; raw materials; nutrient; formula; price


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Halver, J.E. 1989. Fish nutrition. 2nd. Edition. Academic Press, Inc.

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Conference on Computer and Mathematical Sciences, 29th June 2010, ISBN: 978-967-5741-01-2 is published by the Universiti Teknologi MARAPerak Malaysia, pp. 35-41.

Suwarsito dan Mustafidah, H., 2014, Penentuan Kebutuhan Gizi Ikan Berdasarkan Jenis dan Umur Menggunakan Sistem Pakar, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik SENATEK 2014, Universitas

Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, ISBN: 978 – 602 – 14355 – 0 – 2, halaman 189 – 195, September 2014.


DOI: 10.30595/juita.v3i2.858


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ISSN: 2579-8901