
Call for article: Call for high quality articles for Vol. 18, No. 2

Publish as You Go: Call for articles to be published soon. Leksika will publish an article any time it has been completed for the whole process of a good publication. Leksika invites for researchers on linguistics, literature and TEFL to contribute for next issue (August-January).

Posted: 2024-05-16

APC: New policy of article processing charge

Starting from the issue Vol. 17, No.1 February 2023, LEKSIKA applies a publication fee for the article publishing. Thus, the writer(s) will be required to pay Rp. 350.000 after the article has been accepted for its appearance in the coming issue. In a such a rare case the writer(s) percieve this as a problem, please contact us for a waive policy.
Posted: 2022-10-31

Posted: 2017-01-26
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ISSN: 2620-4037