Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Focus: provides research benefits to the development of accounting science to academics, practitioners, students, researchers, governmental and non-governmental institutions as well as other interested parties.

Scope: The research study published in RAAR is

  1. Sustainability Reporting
  2. Good Corporate Governance
  3. Behavioural Accounting
  4. Management Accounting
  5. Financial Accounting
  6. Public Sector Accounting
  7. Auditing
  8. Taxation
  9. Shariah’ Accounting
  10. Entrepreneurship
  11. Accounting Information System
  12. other accounting fields

Section Policies


  • Checked Open Submissions
  • Checked Indexed
  • Checked Peer Reviewed


  • Checked Open Submissions
  • Checked Indexed
  • Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Determination of the article that will be published in RAAR is carried out through double-blind peer review by considering two main aspects, namely: relevance and contribution of articles on the accounting theory and practical development. Editors and reviewers provide constructive feedback on the evaluation results to the author.

Penentuan artikel yang akan diterbitkan dalam RAAR dilakukan melalui double blind peer review dengan mempertimbangkan dua aspek utama, yaitu: relevansi dan kontribusi artikel pada teori akuntansi dan pengembangan praktis. Editor dan reviewer memberikan umpan balik yang membangun pada hasil evaluasi kepada penulis.

Editor in Chief
Nur Isna Inayati, S.ST., M.Si.

Publication Frequency

Published twice in a year (February and October)

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Scientific Statement

RAAR: Review of Applied Accounting Research is a national scientific journal that prioritizes scientific publications based on scientific research and literature review, with the aim of seeking scientific novelty, and creativity with the topic of Accounting Science. In conducting scientific publications, RAAR implements appropriate publishing management articles, such as the review and editing process. Then RAAR provides a platform for scientists and researchers in Indonesia.

Publication Ethics

Duties of Reviewers

  • Contribution to Editorial Decisions
  • Promptness
  • Confidentiality
  • Standards of Objectivity
  • Acknowledgement of Sources
  • Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Duties of Authors

  • Reporting standards
  • Data Access and Retention
  • Originality and Plagiarism
  • Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication
  • Acknowledgment of Sources
  • Authorship of the Paper
  • Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
  • Fundamental errors in published works

Duties of editors

  • Publication decisions
  • Fair Process
  • Confidentiality

Disclosure and conflicts of interest

ISSN: 2807-8969