Diah Susilowati


Active learning is the participation of students in an ongoing learning process where students actively interact with learning resources, other students and teachers. IPAS is a combination subject between Natural and Social Sciences contained in the independent curriculum. This research aims to describe the steps for implementing the experimental method in science learning to increase students' active learning and to find out whether the implementation of the experimental method can increase students' active learning. Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that the operational stages of implementing the experimental method to increase the active learning of students at SD Negeri 01 Wanarejan Pemalang include: a. Conduct context analysis; b. Analyzing teaching aids and practicum materials in the laboratory; c. Completing the need for tools and practicum materials needed; d. Implementing experiment-based learning; e. Carry out reflection and follow-up. And the results of the implementation of the experimental method on science concepts can increase the activeness of learning for students at SD Negeri 01 Wanarejan Pemalang.


Active learning of students Experimental method Science subjects Natural and Social Sciences


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v17i1.16091

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