Anton Handoko Putro, Bambang Sumardjoko


This study aims to determine the inhibiting factors of critical thingking of students in solving HOTS questions in PPKn subjects at SMP Negeri 2 Kartasura. In the study for 5 months using a qualitative descriptive method by emphasizing the facts in the field and providing a clear picture. Data collection techniques from observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is collected at the time and after data collection which includes data reduction and presentation. The results of the study are factors that hinder students' critical thingking in solving HOTS questions in PPKn subjects because students do not understand the material and cannot understand and identify problems, students rarely look for books that are in accordance with the HOTS questions, students do not understand in interpreting information so they do not know the plan of problem solving strategies on HOTS questions,  students still look confused to respond and make conclusions, students feel embarrassed and difficult to speak because they think about the consequences when arguing, students feel confused and hesitant in reevaluating whether certain sources are reliable in solving HOTS questions.


Obstacle Factor, Critical Thingking, About HOTS


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v17i1.16109

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