Choirunnisa Amalia, T Heru Nurgiansah


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Cyber Village for nationalism, patriotism, and for defending the community. The method used is quantitative. Data collection techniques used a questionnaire.  Data analysis used the SPSS 20 program used univariate analysis and simple linear analysis formulas. The research sample is the people of Cyber Village, Yogyakarta. The results of a simple linear analysis study conducted in the SPSS 20 program, from the results of the effectiveness test of Cyber Village on nationalism, a significance value of 0.398 was obtained, namely p> 0.05 and the t value was -0.856, which is smaller than the t table value of 1.670. Furthermore, for patriotism, a significance value of 0.686 was obtained, namely p> 0.05 and the calculated t value was 0.407, smaller than the t table value of 1.670. Then, the significance value is 0.202, namely p> 0.05 and the calculated t value is -1.291, which is smaller than the t table value of 1.670 in community defense. It can be concluded that the results of research on the effectiveness of Cyber Village ineffectiveness on each of the 3 attitudes, namely nationalism, patriotism, and defending the country in society.


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v17i2.18015

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