Venika istna sharfina, Henry Aditia Rigianti


reading is defined as the actvity of spelling or memorizing what is written. one way to get information from what is written is to read it. it. reading requires understanding language symbols. reading and listening are two ways readers get information. one of the benefits of reading is entertaiment, especially fiction or comedy. reading activities usually use books, stones, or chalk written on the blackboard.thorndike (1967:127) cosiders reading as a process of thinking or reasoning. on the other band, Hodgson says that reading is a process carried out and used by readers to obtain messeges conveyed by writers thtough written media. Elementary school education (SD) is an education unit that provides basic skills, as stated in Chapter II articel 6 paragraph 6 PP No. 19 of 2005 concerning national education standards. as educational institutions, elementary school are expected to improve students languange skills by helping them overcome reading difficualties. A qualitative descriptive method was used in this study to ex plain beginner reading problems faced by low grade elementary school student in banjarnegara district. this study describes the reading difficualties of begiinners of elementary school student. this research involved second grade students at elemntary school in Banjarnegara district.and documentation to collect data. grade II students at SD 2 Pejawaran faced several problems in learning to read at the beginning, such as: 1) they failed to analyze letters 2) they did not recignize all the letters or words 3) they believed that letters or omitted words are not important and 4) they do not understand the relationship between latters and sound in words, including all letters, vowels, doubel consonants,dead sounds, perfect sounds, 2and so on.


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v17i2.18427

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