Feisal Aziez, Dodi Siraj Muamar Zain, Benfika Fiden Fecilita


During Covid 19 Pandemic, students in various schools faced different problems in adapting to switching from online to offline learning. However, each school or class has distinctive characteristics and challenges. This survey research aims to determine the challenges and solutions of teachers on switching from online to offline learning. The research was conducted at three public junior high schools in Sokaraja, Central Java. Data collection was carried out in three stages. The first stage was distributing questionnaires to 10 teachers. The second stage was semi-structured interviews with 3 teachers. The third stage was the observation of learning in the classroom. The data revealed that the biggest challenge during the transition from online to offline learning is bad student behavior carried away online. Students are not enthusiastic when the teacher is in class greeting them and even tends to be ignorant. Student motivation at school is also lacking and they do not know the purpose of learning English. Teachers need to provide learning motivation for students and change students' old habits during online learning. Grouping students into low, medium, and high can be a solution to easily convey material and assess students' improvement in abilities.


covid-19 Pandemic online learning offline learning


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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v18i1.21708

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