Sabarudin Sabarudin


"Gerbang Pelangi" (Gerakan Pengembangan dan Penguatan Literasi, Sinergi raih
Prestasi) as an alternative to solving problems in optimizing the achievements of SMA
1 Gantung. The main focus of "Gerbang Pelangi" is to empower all school
stakeholders in their daily activities by allocating available educational resources to
achieve school achievements. Development of academic and non-academic school
achievements through the "Gerbang Pelangi", carried out with three (3) main
principles, namely: (a) Development and strengthening of literacy into a real
movement and action, (b) Establish communication and synergy with various parties,
and (c) Building a shared commitment to achieve both academic and non-academic
achievements. The results of the "Gerbang Pelangi" implementation include: (a)
Development and strengthening of literacy into a real movement and action (the
formation of a school literacy team and the school literacy task force, the
implementation of extracurricular activities that support literacy skills, the formation
of literacy classes, documented work of students in the literacy museums in schools,
giving appreciation to educators, students and education personnel as well as
community elements in the form of the SMA 1 Gantung award, (b) Good
communication and synergy with various parties (growing commitment and
cooperation from teachers, participants students, librarians, committees, parents to
supervise, monitor and ensure the sustainability of the school literacy program), (c)
building a shared commitment to achievement (improving the quality of teacher
performance and learning quality of students become more meaningful to the
emergence of creativity and courage of educators, educational staff education, students
to continue working).
Keywords: Gerbang Pelangi, school achievement.

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DOI: 10.30595/jkp.v13i2.6977

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ISSN: 2807-1379