Performance Evaluation of Digital Image Processing by Using Scilab
Scilab is an open-source, cross-platform computational environment software available for academic and research purposes as a free of charge alternative to the matured computational copyrighted software such as MATLAB. One of important library available for Scilab is image processing toolbox dedicated solely for image and video processing. There are three major toolboxes for this purpose: Scilab image processing toolbox (SIP), Scilab image and video processing toolbox (SIVP) and recently image processing design toolbox (IPD). The target discussion in this paper is SIVP due to its vast use out there and its capability to handle streaming video file as well (note that IPD also supports video processing). Highlight on the difference between SIVP and IPD will also be discussed. From testing, it is found that in term of looping test, Octave and FreeMat are faster than Scilab. However, when converting RGB image to grayscale image, Scilab outperform Octave and FreeMat.
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DOI: 10.30595/juita.v9i2.8434
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