Challenges of Sarcasm Detection for Social Network : A Literature Review

Afiyati Afiyati, Azhari Azhari, Anny Kartika Sari, Abdul Karim


Nowadays, sarcasm recognition and detection simplified with various domains knowledge, among others, computer science, social science, psychology, mathematics, and many more. This article aims to explain trends in sentiment analysis especially sarcasm detection in the last ten years and its direction in the future. We review journals with the title’s keyword “sarcasm” and published from the year 2008 until 2018. The articles were classified based on the most frequently discussed topics among others: the dataset, pre-processing, annotations, approaches, features, context, and methods used. The significant increase in the number of articles on “sarcasm” in recent years indicates that research in this area still has enormous opportunities. The research about “sarcasm” also became very interesting because only a few researchers offer solutions for unstructured language. Some hybrid approaches using classification and feature extraction are used to identify the sarcasm sentence using deep learning models. This article will provide a further explanation of the most widely used algorithms for sarcasm detection with object social media. At the end of this article also shown that the critical aspect of research on sarcasm sentence that could be done in the future is dataset usage with various languages that cover unstructured data problem with contextual information will effectively detect sarcasm sentence and will improve the existing performance.


sarcasm, recognition, detection, classification, performance


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