Dika Rezkyana


This study aims to investigate EFL teachers’ perception on developing lesson plans on curriculum 2013. There are 16 teachers of English in Junior High School in Cilacap who participated in this study. To investigate teacher’s perceptions, questionnaires and interview were used. Guttman and Likert scale questionnaires were used to collect their insights on developing a lesson plan. An interview was administered to get in-depth information about teachers’ perceptions of developing lessons plans. The finding indicates that teachers of English have a negative perception on developing lesson plans. They feel unhappy, not encouraged, and unenthusiastic, even when they realize the developing lesson plan would facilitate and achieve their objective in teaching English. Unpredictably, the MGMP lesson plan product arises as resistance in developing a lesson plan. It is proposed to the teacher who implements curriculum 2013 to be creative and innovative to fulfill teaching objectives.


EFL teachers Perception Lesson plans Curriculum 2013


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Regulation of Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture No. 65 Year 2013 about Standard Process

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DOI: 10.30595/aplinesia.v5i1.12078


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