Upaya Meningkatkan Peran MGMP Matematika SMK Kabupaten Malang Melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan E-Modul Matematika SMK
Kata Kunci: MGMP Matematika SMK, Guru Matematika SMK, pembuatan e-modul matematika SMK
Abstract. The community service program was conducted to the Vocational School Mathematics Teachers’ Forum (MGMP), a professionalism forum for elevating the competence and performance of the vocational school teachers teaching Mathematics. The program was aimed at: (1) improving the roles and functions of the Vocational School Mathematics Teachers’ Forum in Malang Regency, (2) enhancing vocational school Mathematics teachers’ understanding of the procedures of creating Mathematics e-modules, and (3) upgrading the vocational school Mathematics teachers’ skills in creating their Mathematics e-modules. The methods applied were: (1) mentoring the committees of the teachers’ forum in reviewing their work plans, (2) conducting a writing vocational school Mathematics module workshop, (3) training and mentoring the vocational school Mathematics teachers in writing their Mathematics modules in groups, (4) conducting a workshop of creating vocational school Mathematics e-modules, and (5) disseminating the Mathematics e-modules by vocational school Mathematics teachers in Malang Regency. The results of the program were the quality improvement of Mathematics teachers’ forum’s meetings and the writing Mathematics e-module skills’ improvement of the Mathematics teachers in Malang Regency. The products of this community service program were Mathematics e-modules for vocational school students.
Keywords: Vocational School Mathematics Teacher’s Forum, Vocational School Mathematics Teachers, vocational school Mathematics e-module writing
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DOI: 10.30595/jppm.v2i2.1781
Copyright (c) 2018 Nyamik Rahayu Sesanti, Retno Marsitin, Rini Agustina
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
ISSN: 2549-8347