English Teachers’ Difficulties in Implementing Lesson Plan in EFL Class

Abdulloh Abdulloh, Khomsatun Khomsatun


This study aimed to investigate teachers’ difficulties in implementing lesson plan of curriculum 2013 in class. To do so, five English teachers of Vocational High School were involved in this study. The data were revealed through questionnaires. Close-ended questions here were used to get responds of the participants about the question items whether those had been already done in teaching learning process or not done by the participants. The results shows that the teachers have difficulties implementing lesson plan in class. Regarding to implementing lesson plan, the teachers get difficulties in implementing steps of learning activities, preparing students’ readiness, and giving learning activities which are attitude competence oriented.


Implementing lesson plan EFL class Teachers’ difficulties


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DOI: 10.30595/aplinesia.v6i1.13557


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