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ISSN: 2085-5826
2013 curriculum, teachers' perception, English teachers
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Soundcloud App Google Classroom App Zoom App
EFL classroom
EFL, English ocational Teacher, Perception, Challenge, ICT
Emergency Curriculum Teachers’ perception Obstacle
English, global language, language perception, questionnaire
Implementing lesson plan EFL class Teachers’ difficulties
Normal, New Normal, Curriculum
Perception, English Teachers, Listening
TOEFL Teaching Strategies EFL Teachers
Teaching strategy Joyful learning Wordwall Reading skills
The Importance of Culture Recognition in Teaching English
Translation, mplication
assessment, receptive skill, listening, reading.
curriculum 2013 English Teaching CIPP
mother tongue
preposition, relative clause, modifier, rendering, word-for-word approach
quality of life
success social