Ghani Muhammad, Saefurrohman Saefurrohman


The aimed of this research is used to out the perceptions of English Vocational Teachers of Banyumas in the use of ICT in EFL language teaching-learning and the challenges the teachers face in the use of ICT for English language teaching-learning. The researcher used questionnaire and interview to gather the data. There were fifty Vocational English teachers in Banyumas regency as the sample in this study. The result showed that the teacher has high positive perception toward the existance of ICT and some of them found difficlties in using ICT. It represents the percentage of each sub-indicator more than a half, which is 67% of teachers on the attitude indicator, which shows the teacher's acceptance of the presence of ICT as part of the learning process. Meanwhile, in the perceived usefulness sub-indicator, 91% of teachers agree that the use of ICT has many advantages for both teachers and students in the learning process. In addition, 61% of teachers on the perceived ease of use sub-indicator indicate that the operation of ICT in learning is not too difficult. Besides the differences of generation didn’t affected toward the teachers’ barriers rather than the kind of ICT devices. Therefore a solution should be provided to support the teachers’ skill.


EFL, English ocational Teacher, Perception, Challenge, ICT


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DOI: 10.30595/aplinesia.v6i1.14771


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