JUITA: Jurnal Informatika

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JUITA : Jurnal Informatika is a science journal and informatics field application that presents articles on thoughts and research of the latest developments. JUITA is a journal peer reviewed and open access. JUITA is published by the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. JUITA invites researchers, lecturers, and practitioners worldwide to exchange and advance knowledge in the field of Informatics. Documents submitted must be in Ms format. Word and written according to author guideline.

JUITA is published twice a year in May and November. Currently, JUITA has been indexed by DOAJ, Google Scholar, Garuda, Dimensions, BASE, Crossref and has been accredited by SINTA rank 2 through the Decree of the Director-General of Research and Development Strengthening of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 36/E/KPT/2019.

Journal title : JUITA : Jurnal Informatika
Abbreviation : JUITA
ISSN : 2579-8901 (online) 2086-9398 (print)
DOI Prefix : 10.30595/juita by 
Type of peer-review : Blind Review
Indexing : Sinta 2 and view more
Frequency : 2 issues/year (May, Nov)
Journal History : See Journal history
Editors : See Editorial Team
Citation analysis : | Google Scholar | Sinta | Dimensions
Journal cover: get here

ISSN: 2579-8901

JUITA; Jurnal Informatika; Training Algorithm; Artificial Neural Network; Fuzzy Logic; Web Programming; Decision Support System; Natural Language Processing; Android; Naive Bayes

DOI: 10.30595/JUITA


Alhamdulillaah, JUITA Volume 12 (1) May 2024 has been published with 14 papers from various universities and other institutions in Indonesia. 

Thank you to the authors for their contribution to the manuscript.

We are waiting for the submissions for the next volume, 12 (2) November 2024. 

Posted: 2021-05-29

From November 16, 2020, manuscripts submitted to JUITA MUST be English based on the guidelines and templates provided.

Thank you.

Posted: 2020-11-15
Before submitting the manuscript to JUITA, ensure that you have read the writing guidelines and adjusted your article with the provided guidelines and templates.
Posted: 2019-10-29
More Announcements...

JUITA Vol. 12 No. 1, May 2024


JUITA: Jurnal Informatika
JUITA: Jurnal Informatika


Binti Solihah, Ahmad Zuhdi, Abdul Rochman, Edo Yulistama, Hilda Dwi Utari
1 - 8
Widya Putri Nurmawati, Indahwati Indahwati, Farit Mochamad Afendi
9 - 18
Desti Mualfah, Rizdqi Akbar Ramadhan, Muhammad Arrafi Arrasyid
19 - 28
Abdul Fadlil, Imam Riadi, Fiki Andrianto
29 - 38
Joko Siswanto, Irwan Sembiring, Adi Setiawan, Iwan Setyawan
39 - 48
Jan Setiawan, Silviana Simbolon, Yunasfi Yunasfi
49 - 59
Yulrio Brianorman, Dewi Utami
61 - 70
Muhammad Rizki, Arief Hermawan, Donny Avianto
71 - 79
Dede Rizki Darmawan, Riza Arifudin
81 - 89
Ainayah Syifa Hendri, Endah Sudarmilah
91 - 100
Tio Dharmawan, Danu Adi Nugroho, Muhammad Arief Hidayat
101 - 109
Leni Fitriani, Ayu Latifah, Moch. Rizky Cahyadiputra
111 - 120
Embay Rohaeti, Ani Andriyati
121 - 129
Hanifa Izzati, Indahwati Indahwati, Anik Djuraidah
131 - 139

ISSN: 2579-8901