Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Aplinesia is an academic publication for all those interested in English Language Teaching ( ELT), whether as a second, additional or foreign language, or as a Lingua Franca international. The Journal combines practitioners' day-to-day issues with perspectives obtained from related academic disciplines including applied linguistics, education, psychology, and sociology

Section Policies


  • Checked Open Submissions
  • Checked Indexed
  • Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

The editorial staff reads all submitted manuscripts. To save authors and peer reviewers time, only papers that seem to follow our editorial requirements are submitted for formal review. Those papers considered by the editors to be of inadequate general interest or otherwise unacceptable are immediately rejected without external review. Manuscripts considered to be of potential interest to our readers are sent to two or three reviewers for formal review, but often more if specific advice is needed. Then the editors make a decision based on the advice of the reviewers, from among numerous possibilities:
1. Accept, with or without changes to the editor
Invite the writers to review their manuscript to resolve particular issues before making a final decision
2. Reject, but indicate to the authors that further work may warrant a resubmission
3. Reject it outright, usually for reasons of specialist interest, lack of innovation, lack of intellectual development, or significant technological and/or interpretative problems

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

APLINESIA ( Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistic Studies)

Aplinesia is an academic publication for all those interested in English Language Teaching ( ELT), whether as a second, additional or foreign language, or as a Lingua Franca international. The Journal combines practitioners' day-to-day issues with perspectives obtained from related academic disciplines including applied linguistics, education, psychology, and sociology

ISSN: 2085-5826