Using Mother Tongue in EFL Classrooms: Pros and Cons

Pipit Sri Mularsih, Erlin Satyarini


The use of the mother tongue (L1) in teaching a foreign language is a controversial topic. While some researchers claim that L1 should not be used in foreign language classrooms, others think that it makes a valuable contribution to the learning process. The purpose of this study is to investigate the pros and cons of using the mother tongue in EFL classrooms. Finding books and previous studies related to the use of L1 in EFL classrooms is conducted to figure out what are the advantages and disadvantages of using L1. Moreover, finding the best way on how and when L1 is used appropriately in EFL classrooms will be another task for EFL teachers.


mother tongue; EFL classroom; L1


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DOI: 10.30595/aplinesia.v6i1.13693


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