Success is When We Wisely Socialize

Khomsatun Khomsatun, Tono Suwartono


Humans, as social beings, are constantly required to interact with the social world. Humans cannot survive on their own. To carry out its role as social beings in establishing relationships with the environment or community groups, it requires the ability to think and act. The quality of a person's is determined by his or her social interactions. The amount of wealth, high position, or a brilliant career do not determine a person's success; rather, it is determined by the quality of social interaction. People who have positive social relationships have a better life, and vice versa. This paper will discuss in more depth: 1) the nature of social intelligence; 2) its illumination in everyday life, especially in the world of work; 3) its implications in the context of learning to prepare for the future; 4) Some suggestions to be successful in the association; and 5) A glimpse of the author's personal experience regarding this social intelligence issue. Social intelligence refers to the ability to manage oneself, as well as the ability to put oneself into contact with others. It also refers to the ability to associate with the environment. It is sufficient to alter the relationship, life will change as a result. The association has a big role in determining what someone thinks. Good associations always give birth to good people.


success social; interaction; quality of life


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DOI: 10.30595/aplinesia.v6i1.13917


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